Options for ridding records of static electricity

I am getting back into vinyl, listening to “garage sale” finds and also new albums that I have been picking up. I have a nice old Linn Sondek LP12 with the felt mat. Every time I go to remove a record from the spindle or flip the record, static electricity grabs the felt mat and it sticks like a magnet. I have to very carefully flip the felt mat at the corner with my finger but one of these times I’m going to slip and smudge or scratch a record. 

I’ve seen the “Milty Zerostat” and seem to remember this product from back in the day. I see that it is still made and there is one eBay vendor that has them for $77. Is this my best bet? I thought Michael Fremor talked about these in one of his videos. 

Are there other products I should look at to reduce static electricity on my records? Thanks for any help you can give.
Lewm, just touching a neutral record will not transfer electrons without rubbing. If the record is already charged then sure. You can even see the sparks jump with the lights out.Just picking up a neutral record will in no way, shape or form put a charge on the record so if you want a charge you are going to have to put some elbow grease into it. Take an old record and give it a try. It will help if the air is dry. I'm sure you have record cleaning stuff to touch it up afterwards. 
Now a record press closes with about 150 tons of pressure. The surface area of a record is Pi R squared = 36 X 3.14= 113 square inches. This would come out to 2665 PSI. The contact area of a fine line stylus is about 47 um squared. Lets use 2 grams VTF. 2 gm = 0.00440925 lb.
47 um squared = 0.000000071285 square inches. Divide pounds by square inches and you get 60,525.0515 psi or over 30,000 psi per contact patch. So I was a tiny bit off. Sorry about that folks. 
Daveyf, if you think the guy at any Hi Fi store is an expert at setting up a turntable you are more gullible than I thought. I have NEVER seen a turntable come from a store set up perfectly. I was not kidding you when I said I have much better tools. Message me and I will happily send you some pictures.  
ebm, the Furutech Destat is just as worthless as the Zerostat. You would have to hold the thing over the record while it was playing and that will certainly interfere with your enjoyment of the music. Conductive sweep arm 20 bucks, Furutech Destat 325 bucks. What a racket.  

I have had good experience with controlling static buildup during play by grounding the platter bearing of my VPI 2" aluminum platter. This will minimize charging the record bottom during play. My records are all first wet-cleaned and stored in anti-static sleeves. Are far as conductive brushes the much softer Thunderon is is an option https://www.gordonbrush.com/search/Thunderon. Note that this brush material comes in two versions - 100% Thunderon, and the more common blend with goat hair.  FYI - a similar brush to what you use (albeit much more $$)  https://elusivedisc.com/integrity-hifi-tru-sweep-anti-static-dust-cleaner-sweeper-large/.
Mijostyn, maybe stop putting words in my mouth, did I say anywhere where the guy at any Hi Fi store is an expert...or did I say, and I quote' " Linn trained professional". Please read my posts closer and not jump to conclusions. 
You stated that you can set up the table way better than my Linn LP12 dealer, and since you believe this, there is nothing more to discuss...I am done with this. Have a nice day.