Behringer DEQ2496 - worth using in hi-end system?

I am considering trying it in a digital chain. I want to correct for room and any system internal dependencies. I am tired of using cables as tone controls, there has to be something better to make those minimal changes.

I am looking for opinions and short system desriptions.
Enjoying music is what the hobby is about to me. I no longer give a damn about refinement.

In fact, the more refined my system has become, the less I have enjoyed it.
That's quite a statement, Grant. Can you say a little more -- why do you suppose more refinement = less enjoyment? Come to think of it, what does refinement mean to you? It's a term I use frequently, but I wonder if we would all agree as to its meaning.
Like I said before, if the unit was 3500.00 many people would think differently.

Ridiculous markups benefit the seller not your ears.
Bravo Tvad, Eldartford and Warrenh

Could not agree more. I actually use the PEQ from the Behringer (feedback destroyer pro) . It works great. It is even cheaper! I manually set this up and just use it for ultra LF frequency adjustments but there is software that can allow this to be controlled automatically using a PC, mike and a MIDI controller.

Room correction and speaker quality has such a HUGE impact to what I hear that I am not ashamed to say that I am quite satisfied with the non-audiophile DAC's in my Sony mega-changer CD players. (Yes, I know, many audiophiles may laugh that I have professional studio speakers but CD sources that you can probably find in Sears. However, my chained mega changers and software controllers allow me to browse, select and cue music from an electronic menu and, after, all, for me it is about LISTENING to music and not fiddling around with 100's of CD cases to feed a single CD transport!!!)

Who gives a damn about refinement; Blu-Tak and a this PEQ are probably some of my best value for money audio improvments!

If it sounds better and you enjoy the music ...that is what counts!

Good on Tvad, Eldartford and Warrenh for daring to speak out frankly and claim that a cheap PEQ can make significant improvements to mega-dollar systems!
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