Digital Library - or Not? Needed?

Newbie here - so take it easy on me. Been browsing the forums and see quite the vitriol in some cases.

I have a system I'm happy with that streams hi res using commercial services that we all know about. Can access almost all my music preferences, as I'm not into rare/underground/etc., but most of my taste is commercial so can easily find on streaming services.

I also have a small CD collection since I was a youngster (lets say 200?), mostly of albums that one can easily find on my streaming services, with a few exceptions (like those of my personal music with bands I've been involved in).

I can't pinpoint a good reason to digitize the CD collection and turn into a digital library, except for the very few exceptions noted. But I have a "fear of missing out" (FOMO), which I'm sure most of us can relate to. Like... there must be a good reason to create the library and have access to it... but my rationale side says "why, when you have access already? And that access is hi-res files?"

Is there another good reason to create a FLAC library like this? Or is my logical brain making more sense than my emotional side?

I truly enjoy going to my rack of CDs and letting my eyes roam.  I'll pull out a likely suspect.  Maybe I'll put it back and pull one out that's nearby.  It's a process that, woah, is just like choosing a slice of vinyl. In any case, it's far more fun for me than squinting at my laptop or cell phone.
As long as you don't mind the $20 per month for the rest of your life, stick with hi-res streaming.
What if something happen to your CD collection? Theft, flood? You said some are from your band so I assume irreplaceable.

The convenience. From a computer you can sit in your Lazyboy, browse and play the music you want. All my CDs are on my computer which is connected to my tv. The computer runs Plex so I can sit and browse all my music, it gives me info about the album, bands. If I want to look at the CD case I go to my CD rack.

Streaming can be great when it works well, frustrating when it doesn't.  I am starting to sound like a broken record (remember those?) but remember that streamers are computers, masquerading as audio products, and if you have ever had IT issues elsewhere at work or home, they definitely can happen here.  I understand the FOMO anxiety but the important thing is the music.  If you have a small number of CDs, such as those bands that you mentioned, then it may not be worth the expense and potential aggravation.  What might be worthwhile and keep you in the list of doing what the cool kids do is bluetooth.  The latest bluetooth codecs are in improvement if not the equal of other digital formats but you can keep those few albums on your phone and then play them without having to retrieve the CD, or while you are visiting an old friend, etc