What do you think of this power cord?

Maze Audio is a family-owned company that states it hand-makes its cables in the US.  There is a range of prices for power cables, but I was looking at this entry cable.  I don’t see any mention of the metal used in the cables, but I don’t know if that is as crucial for power cables as for interconnects.  I am interested in your opinions.  Thanks.

These abbreviations get me confused sometimes.  I read “NOS tubes” and thought “NOS must make some fine tubes — so popular they are a rare find!”   Then I see that meant “new, old tubes”.  Not a company per se.  

And when they write OFC, I wonder why a company doesn’t just spell it out for us newbies?  Could it be their defense if found that their copper is not oxygen-free, “We never said it was.  We said it was OFC . . ordinary factory cable!”   😳

I saw Maze’s woven cables also . . . $200+.  They look fancy.  Not sure I want to spend that much money on a PC (which I originally thought stood for “personal computer”).  Audio Advisor advertises Pangea power cable for about $100, but reviews are mixed.  Audioholics claims that beyond a basic level of quality, more expensive power cables are just hype and don’t matter.  Then some say to “listen, then decide”, but some say the differences are due to the “placebo effect” and only real to my imprecise mind.  Who knows?

Thanks for the information.
I recommend you take a look at the least expensive offerings in power cords from Cullen and Audio Envy.  Either of those is likely going to be better than this...
These end look to me like Oyeida 046 ends. If they are, they are very good, but have a tube-like sound....kind of rolled off highs, etc.  I made my own cable (quite easy)...with Furutech top of the line  looks like woven carbon fiber ends

I can't speak the the "Eden Series" from Maze Audio but I am trying out the "Ref 4 Krell Cryo" power cords in my system. I have 3 in place right now: 1) between my Bryston MPS2 power supply and my Bryston BIT-15 power conditioner, and 2) between the wall and my BIT-15 power conditioner. I have a 3rd that will go from either the wall to my Bryston 4B2 power amplifier or from the BIT-15 to my Bryston 4B2.

I have been listening intently in the evenings and trying to imagine if I can detect much sonic difference. I would say that there is a definite difference compared to the stock power cords. I do feel that the increase in detail is immediately noticeable but that with repeated listening things simmer down and the detail and the quietness and smoothness balance out better over time.

The woven construction with the brown jacketing, combined with the polished silver of the Krell plugs is pretty great looking. For what you pay, I am not disappointed. I don't have much experience with other aftermarket power cords, just my subjective recollection of changes in sound quality compared with stock.