Who puts their speakers right up against the back wall and why?

Aside from Klipsch corner speakers, who does this?
The venerable Bose 901s.

Otherwise, room constraints often keep the speakers too close to the walls. If only we all had man/woman caves.
The farther your drivers, especially woofers, are from any wall or surface, the better. Booming low frequencies are impossible to absorb. Low frequencies are omnidirectional. Ever heard of ASC Tube Traps? They are the only product that absorb bass. And they ain't cheap. A 60Hz 15 inch trap is about $800. And you need 4 of them. My B&W Nautilus 802's would make any Klipsch sound like a Klipsch. The only worse sounding speaker was/is the Bose 901 Series III. Crappy sounding headphones too. When Nelson Pass was with Threshold he designed The Acoustic Shadows. Round circular units behind your loudspeakers. Had an mic and would play the low end out of phase. Lot of trouble to get rid of booming bass. Cost $2,000 in 1978.
I was 15 and a audio shop in Denver called ListenUp bought a truckload of Klipsh Heresy's and told the sales guys to dump them. I even put industrial 12in woofs in them. Couldn't buy a below 60Hz note from them. Do you think David Wilson would sell such crap?
Had an Apt 100W amp and nothing. Buy B&W or Theil or Vanderstein or Martin Login or Rockport or Wilson Audio Specializes. Pass amplifiers won't hurt...
Or get some good headphones and DAC/Amp. My girlfriend can't stand Pink Floyd The Wall. 802's shake the whole house. In my humble opinion that's what high-end is supposed to do!!