To warm up or not to warm up, and...?

So I bought one of those AC Infinity component coolers for my big fat receiver, and have been using it, and it definitely keeps it cool. But I've been wondering this... If a component performs better when it has warmed up, then should one use such a device as this AC Infinity that I now have, or would performance be better without it? Or perhaps there is a certain temperature I should let it get up to for best sound, or just keep it as cold as it will? I'm so confused now. Lol. Please help... Thank you!
i hear better sound quality when my amplification gear - tube or ss - warms up, usually from 10 to 30 min in

we are talking about hegel, van alstine, odyssey, ayre ss gear, as well as cj, arc, pl, air tight tube gear

that been said, i am careful to keep hot running tube amps cool and air circulating... use quiet fans to move the air past the power tubes e.g. 8x kt88 kt120 etc etc... i am pretty convinced  (as is ARC) that letting these high power tubes run cooler makes them last longer
For those who don't understand, the winking smiley face means it's a joke, not serious. 

1) Leave your equipment ON 24/7. At least try it! Cost me <$1/mo.
Do you really think that amp is going to “burn out” before you do?!!
2) Use fans or coolers ONLY if the piece is very hot to touch. (solid state NOT tubes.)
3) Aim any cooling airstream AWAY from the gear not AT it. Don’t blow the hot air back onto the tubes/circuits.
4) Use extra caution with cabinets/enclosures and component stacking.
I have tube gear and i would NEVER use a fan on my tubes, because of micro cracks in the glass.