Cost effective mods for a Sony SCD-777ES

I bought one of these players used. Obviously know it needs to be modified to sound good. What mods are the best bang for the buck - Power Supply, Op Amps, Clock circuit, Power cord etc. Particularly interested to improve redbook performance.

If your goal is to retain value then IMO you never want to modify anything as you will never get your money back out of the mods and you may actually lose value. Unless your modder is well know for his/her work and has a great reputation such as Richard Kern. If you are going to buy a DAC and what to retain some value then do not have it modded. You may want to buy and sell, used of course, until you get the sound you want and as I believe Tvad is suggesting.

Thinking a bit more about your situation. Since you have already had some caps and resisters upgraded. I would spend the 300-400 and have the superclock 4 installed. You will improve the player substantially and (IMO) the clock will retain some value.

I modified my EAD CD-1000 mkIII myself and put in new Rubycon caps (28 total), switched out the stock diodes for Stealth soft recovery diodes, changed out all the internal wiring to teflon coated pure silver wiring, and the Auricap power supply tweak right behing the IEC inlet.

It was very simple and basic, with no change to circuitry design, just a one-for-one swap to better parts. The results were immediate and very noticable. At a cost of about $130 for the parts, I will be upgrading any future CDP I get.

I am with you. I can not believe the improvements in my player with the few mods that have been made; it is simply stunning.

Modding is the way to get off the endless merry-go-round of swaps and upgrades. And with the SCD-1/777ES there is pretty much no diminishing return on improvements. Better is simply better until you get near SOTA, at which point Tvad's point about flavors kicks in. If you heard one of these units really tricked out I doubt you'd ever consider selling it.
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