I modified my EAD CD-1000 mkIII myself and put in new Rubycon caps (28 total), switched out the stock diodes for Stealth soft recovery diodes, changed out all the internal wiring to teflon coated pure silver wiring, and the Auricap power supply tweak right behing the IEC inlet.
It was very simple and basic, with no change to circuitry design, just a one-for-one swap to better parts. The results were immediate and very noticable. At a cost of about $130 for the parts, I will be upgrading any future CDP I get.
It was very simple and basic, with no change to circuitry design, just a one-for-one swap to better parts. The results were immediate and very noticable. At a cost of about $130 for the parts, I will be upgrading any future CDP I get.