Audio Research Sold

The McIntosh Group has just sold Audio Research to the TWS Enterprise LLC.  It will be interesting what direction ARC will go in under it's new ownership.
Well, they are releasing a 50th anniversary book, the history of is unclear whether the book will run on KT 150’s.
I heard that ARC couldn't stand the good looks of McIntosh and McIntosh was always jealous of how good ARC sounded.  It was a mutual split.
I always appreciated that WZ Johnson-era ARC products included schematics and parts lists in their product manuals.  Tube circuits today are not so much more complicated, but are marketed as mystical things and priced accordingly.  
I wish them nothing but the best!
I’ve been an ARC fan since I bought a SP-3 in the 80’s.  Sometimes I wish I’d never sold it.


Change of ownership can direct change of direction.
For ARC I hope not.
I have had many ARC pieces.  Still use my SP10 in a secondary system.  This early two-piece pre remains iconic with lovely sound, perhaps a bit blossomy for current times.
My main pre-amp is a Ref 3 and CD8 turns low-density digits into real music like no other I have heard.
50 years is a very good innings in this business.  Long may it continue.