Tidal vs ATC

Thinking about my end game speaker and seriously considering one from either brand. On the Tidal camp looking at either the Contriva G2 or Agoria and on the ATC camp the SCM150 or SCM300.
Any thoughts on this battle? The tidal I know is a truly amazing speaker. The contriva g2 is the best I've heard and has an amazing finish.  But I see insane praise from ATC for being a very accurate and extremely well made speaker. Only issue is I have no local dealers for ATC in canada. Maybe after the pandemic is over I'll fly to USA to hear them... but honestly even that makes me a bit nervous with all this going on.
Any thoughts?
I have used active ATCs for about 15 years. The first pair a classic 50s then anniversary 50s - I now have a pair of the tower 100s with the anniversary amp packs I purchased as a special order, together with a C6 sub. I have not heard the Tidals. I got them initially because they are cost effective with built in amps and active speakers makes sense to me.
I have a dedicated room which has been carefully acoustically treated. No problem with bass - I had Ben Lilly from ATC come over to fit the new tweeters - he recalibrated the speakers to match the new tweeters he also  measured the room response. The graph showed a pretty flat line  from 20Hz to 19kHz - he said the the room measured as well as a good studio.
They are very accurate, dynamic with excellent imaging - they respond to a high quality input signal, showing up any deficiencies in the source. The music sounds very real, a friend played his saxophone along with an art pepper track it was pretty seamless.
They sound good with any sort of music, the better the recording the  more real they sound.
Would be best to hear them yourself though.
Since this thread is active again I'd like to state that the ATC150asl is back on top. Driving them with Innous Zen mk2 and Roon with Acourate convolution filters and a Matrix dac made it! (recommended for any big speaker). The response is flat to 17 Hz or something. So maybe the 300's next time...however my adviser has a lot of praise for Revel Salon 2 and Paradigm 9H...but then I would miss the impact of the 15 inch driver..
smodtactical, thank you for keeping the shopping radar running for me; I think that was your intent. However, $50K is still way out of my budget for speakers. 
@gosta Nice. Guessing the ATC is the better speaker over those but of course would love to do a shootout. The 9H is pretty solid for the money and with the room measurement feature and active bass drivers its low end is very nice.
Have you considered Tidal?
@douglas_schroeder  Fair enough. I'd love to hear the Valor!