Ohm Walsh 2000 vs MMG vs Vandersteen 2ce Sig?

Ohm Walsh 2000 versus Magneplanar MMG versus Vandersteen 2ce Signature II? How does they compare with respect to speed, dynamics, tonality, texture, detail, tranparency, extension and sound stage?
I've owned Magnepan MMG's and 1.5's as well as, Vandersteen 2ce's, 2ce Sigs, 3a's & 3a Sigs.

The Maggies, as you would probably expect, are very quick, detailed, transparent and can throw a big soundstage. With enough power, they can be fairly dynamic. The low end extension isn't great, but it's tight and quick.

The Vandies, in my opinion, do everything well. Not the hyper detail you'll get from Maggies, but everything is there and they are very easy to listen to. My only issue with Vandersteen's, and the reason I eventually went to Gallo 3.1's, is I could never get that dynamic "slam" out of them. They were okay, just not quite what I wanted out of a speaker.

I hope this helps. Good luck.
ha! pays to proofread. I listened to the 2ce Sig IIs today and they seemed to impart a thick texture to everything, lacked micro detail and had diffuse imaging. They were driven by Naim gear and a Rega CD player. I expect they'd be a good match with very lean sold state components, but, although my monoblocks are ss, they're voiced to sound like tubes and the rest of my system is tubed, so I'm skeptical they'd be a good match for me.