What made the Luxman D-08U that much better than the older D-08. The USB was added, updates to the DAC, but having heard both side by side, if I blinded folded you and switch back and forth a few times you be hard pressed, when you get to this level and the newer unit, is more of a refinement with the addition of USB, it not going to be a huge improvement, now we are at a totally different new player the 10X now you can hear a different presentation, keep your D-08, save and buy the 10X not thev8U if you get the itch for a world class SACD player.
Luxman had a more refined sound than the Esoteric players, which is upfront and in your face sound, I’ve owned the K-01 and enjoyed it. The brand sound is sort of like do of stylus A sound vs. Stylus B. All have their sound and colors. Which is why you build a system that pleases your ear, because you never going to hear what they hear in a studio.