Luxman d-08u vs berkeley reference 2 dac

Anyone have any experience with the luxman d-08u or berkeley reference dac 2 for cd or digital playback? If you were to choose one, which would you buy and why. Thanks for any insight!
Just wanted to say, and I know this is off topic, the little DA-150 DAC/headphone amp Luxman makes looks really interesting.  I took a picture of the insides, looks like a fully discrete headphone amp section.  Just in terms of the headphone amp portion, seems overbuilt compared to the other DACs.


First of all the Shitt LOKI is not a Dac.  Its basically a 4 band Equalizer which is why Jetter suggested it.  I have the Luxman D-08U but haven't used it. I have Half a dozen disc spinners. Will get around to it eventually.  No experience with Berkeley at all
What made the Luxman D-08U that much better than the older D-08. The USB was added, updates to the DAC, but having heard both side by side, if I blinded folded you and switch back and forth a few times you be hard pressed, when you get to this level and the newer unit, is more of a refinement with the addition of USB, it not going to be a huge improvement, now we are at a totally different new player the 10X now you can hear a different presentation, keep your D-08, save and buy the 10X not thev8U if you get the itch for a world class SACD player. 
Luxman had a more refined sound than the Esoteric players, which is upfront and in your face sound, I’ve owned the K-01 and enjoyed it. The brand sound is sort of like do of stylus A sound vs. Stylus B. All have their sound and colors. Which is why you build a system that pleases your ear, because you never going to hear what they hear in a studio.
Hey phillyb,

for CD and SACD playback, is there a big difference in the d-08 vs the d-08u. 
Not to where it be cost-effective,  Problem with the D-08 though is how many hours on it and the cost to repair it. You be at the mercy of the seller and if not the 1st owner than watch they not selling it for more than they may have paid for it.1st owner or no buy.