Why would you use cheap CAT cable and USB cable in the first place? Junk in equals junk out. It is like buying a BMW and buying low octane rather than the higher octane fuel suggested by the manufacturer.
The reason why I purchased a BlueSound Node 2i was to experience MQA. I sense a difference in clarity and sound state when listening to MQA music regardless what this group feels. I added a DAC and was told by the dealer how much better it sounded. Then I got it home and felt the bass sounded thinner. I did like the highs, but felt I was missing out on the MQA experience.
The reason why I purchased a BlueSound Node 2i was to experience MQA. I sense a difference in clarity and sound state when listening to MQA music regardless what this group feels. I added a DAC and was told by the dealer how much better it sounded. Then I got it home and felt the bass sounded thinner. I did like the highs, but felt I was missing out on the MQA experience.