back to basics. I'm not sure how you have this connected, but if you are connecting both to your "amp" then the interface must be ANALOG and there is a whole world of difference way too complex for this post. If, on the other hand you are connecting to a DAC in the (integrated?) amp, it is quasi-digital (either USB or S/PDIF) in which the amplitude is digital (encoding ~ 16 bits) and the time domain (x-axis) is analog. Yes, with USB that analog is re-created in the DAC, which ought to be better. It gets messy.
So first make sure what you are doing. Then consider the possible differences. With a "digital" signal, as noted its half analog and ha;lf digital, and even ignoring that, there is ground/electrical noise being transmitted (lots by most PCs).
Now, if you are asking about bluesound vs PC as a streamer, i would side with a Mac running itunes and bitperfect as superior - similarly if you use Auirvahna (SP, dont care) or my choice, Roon.
Bluesound is still very much a compromise - better than Sonos, but inferior to almost anything serious -- including (substantially) the $99 Schiit DAC driven by an old Macbook pro.