UPDATE : Upgrading to 30 " Golden Strings" 6 black tourmaline strings with 2 feet lenght...
i was so amazed by the last 2 feet strings, i go in my basement, pich the last 2 necklaces and transform these necklace that were glued on my principal electrical line in "strings" of 2 feet... Anyway with 16 " golden plates" my central electrical panel is already under controls...
And guess what?
Adding these 2 beside the other 2, 3 on each side of the 3 rows of 13 inches 24 "golden strings "with H. D. and the one with lava beads, makes the bass more precise and more powerful.... Imaging better....
I think i am done or nuts, but in the 2 cases i am happy...
I read Floyd Toole, one of the foremost authority in acoustic, there is nothing in his science about active non electronic room controls with passive and active interlinked Schumann generator and my grid of "golden strings"...
Acoustic seems to be waves to passively interact with, the guide and foremost law being the equations of their very linear habits.... :)
These laws were most useful for the creation of very large musical Hall after the Greek theater inspiration...Small room are other best completely to be tamed....
But waves are very intelligent indeed, non linear in their working, and can be made more "wise", what i called an "informed wave" by active feed back with device like a grid of S.G. and grid of resonators and grid of "strings"...
The brain need fixed grid points in the flowing waves to catch the flow and recreate the recording acoustic and differentiate it from the room acoustic at the same time...The brain wait for cues....The "golden strings" gives them these cues in an array of tags informing the conflicting direct and indirect waves how to walk together in rythm (time synchronisation) so to speak.......Fourier analysis easier then for the computing brain...
I dont know if i am nuts but my audio system is the best i ever had, no comparison, and the best i ever listen to....Not bad for a 500 dollars used equipment well choosen tough....
All my 6 headphones sound like trash and i dont listen to them for music...