Revel Salon2 vs Wilson Sasha

I'm interested in impressions from people who have auditioned both. Not really looking for what is 'better' (as it's all subjective anyway), but more for characteristics of each, where they are similar, where they differ, etc.
The Sasha's separate instruments much more and give much more air. They also have more energy and presence. Maybe not the most realistic sound compared to real live music, but thrillingly detailed and fun none the less.

The Salon 2's are very articulate and accurate with very good bass, but a bit boring IMO. Krell Evo amps mate well with the Salon 2's. Again IMO.
I heard both in the same room using the same front end equipment. The Salon II had very good bass and a big powerful sound. But they also sounded like a collection of drivers with little coherence, the soundstage was very flat, and the tweeters called attention to themselves. They also appeared to be more forward. After listening to only my first three audition songs, I didn't want to hear anymore from the Salons.

By comparison the Sashas were much more coherent, had better instrumental tone, and just drew me into the music.

Ian, knowing your struggles with your Sashas I would not suggest the Revels as a replacement.
Ian having read the comments so far, maybe it was a bad suggestion. I guess I was thinking of what I would look at in the range vs the Sasha which would be those along with Focal, Rockport and I've already expressed to you my growing obsession with TAD. Whatever you do, don't lose sight of the fact that this is supposed to be fun!
I have the Salon Ulitma 2 speakers driven by Esoteric K-01, REX preamp, Krell EVO-402e.
The speakers are the first I have heard that allow me to listen with complete pleasure at softer volume levels as well as play music at very realistic levels when called for (orchestra or choral music). They sound great with Jazz and Rock too, don't worry. I have no critical comments to offer as they just bring the music to life. If you are playing a bad recording, a bad mix, or a track with no real deep bass the speakers will reveal that. The give a very large sound stage, with no beaming or "you must site here to really enjoy the music" spots. I am listening in a 18x18 room with a 10 ft. ceiling. The room is very well damped.
I highly recommend them.

Additionally, they look gorgeous and fit in well with a furnished room.
Hello Madfloyd. I am playing for 17 years with Wilson speakers and Jadis front jp 80 and end ja 80. Wilson 5 with double speaker cable Siltech signature , this was much better than with the pupy tail,(less hot and more open). This was not possible with the Wilson 7(crossover is different). The seven was less hot in the tweeter than the 5 so I was playing with the original puppy tail and I love the 7 with Genalex kt 88 in the ja 80. I have now for one year the Sasha with 2000 hours playing, and the sound is to 500 hours (sharp and puny) has grown to an amazing sound. But my feeling was the 7 romantic in the middle and high, and I think that was because the lower impedance of the Sasha. (He asks more and the ja 80 eats kt 88 tubes). I have now for three month the new kt 120 in the ja 80, (with no problem with the tubes). And there is so much more power in the ja 80. The Sasha is now at level, solid core black bass, great mid and the high purity, and certainly not sharp, and he is singing. Regarding the Revel salon 2 this is not my taste I’m not getting hot or cold. Suggestion, Tidal audio contriva.