What's the deal with Vintage Tube Service?

I've tried very hard to buy tubes from Andy on multiple occasions, but I never seem to succeed. Very informative conversations, very little actual processing of orders... Am I the only one? 
Whenever I ordered I called Andy, he told me the price then mail my tubes after he received the check. Sometimes he may have had to check stock, after that he called me back and gave me options and the price. I mailed a check and he mailed the tubes after receipt.

I am not sure I understand. Did you tell Andy what you wanted, get a price and mail a check?
I don't really use checks much anymore. I guess I really didn't understand how he operated and took payments. I gave him CC# info and had to call him like five times to actually do the transaction. I should have just mailed him a check? That's simple enough. 

here is a hint

folks who are into and have stockpiled old stock tubes are usually not young... or to be more exact, they are old, damn old

so paper checks, dial tone rotary phones, typewriters and stove top hot water kettles are still recent history to these folks

but here you are trying to buy 50-60-70 year old vacuum tubes... so it is you who has stepped into the time machine ... hahahaha
This is the knock on Andy, good tubes, great guy, but can be very slow.  I don't know if sending a check would speed things up.  I don't see how that would be better than a cc #. 

There are other good sellers who get your tubes out faster than Andy if you want suggestions.