Length of speaker cables

I just went from 2 channel amp to mono blocks. Is it important that I stop using 4 meter audio quest rocket 88 and downsize to 6 ft? Will there be an audible improvement?
Rocket 88s are well designed cables (I have some 33s). Sell 'em online someplace to fund shorter cables if need be.
I’d sell your AQ Rocket 88’s, but I strongly suggest not cutting them, especially because they were already terminated by AQ. I’m sure there’s someone out there looking for that exact cable in that exact length. For what you can get for selling a 4 meter pair, you could most likely find an equally good quality 1-2 meter pair of new or even used cables depending on how close you’re putting each amp to each speaker.

Good luck @steven0713 regardless of what you decide to do!
@steven0713  Check out Transparent  High Performance 10-2 with The Brick.  They will cut to your size or go with their 10 foot length and have extra to neatly run from your amps to your speakers.
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