How much space between cables is enough?

I understand that proximity between power cables and interconnects or power cables and power cables is a problem, but is there a rule of thumb as to how much space is required to NOT be a problem. 1/2", 1", 6"? Also, are all cables the same? I would assume that the higher the current, the more isolation, but belief and reality are seldom the same.
@millercarbon telling us how great his system is again. He is a broken record. Oh! and look at the photos. He's so proud, he wants everybody to know how cool he is.
The EVAs are similar to AV Room Service's EVPs. know these work. Also recommended by Jim Smith (Get Better Sound).
The only way to take the floor completely out of the equation is to suspend from the ceiling.  The gauge of the monofilament should de commensurate with the weight of the cable.
What if the ceiling is also the first or second story floor?
What stops the vibrations being created by way of walking around or mechanical vibrations from translating itself down the fishing line thereby vibrating your cables?