bullitt5094, those are sports not hobbies but they take up time just the same. Sometimes I think audio is a sport as it does seem at times we are competing with each other. It is that competitive streak that runs in us that is the problem. We can't just enjoy the ride. We have to get there first.
I think just like vanity your competitive instinct gets whittled way until you lose it completely, just an effect of aging. I cycle with my wife and we do some very challenging rides like the Mortirolo and Stelvio passes. Just getting to the top is a victory. Nobody is racing. I love woodworking. The drive is to do things better and conquer difficult constructs.
I have noticed that audiophiles tend to be very active, involved people. Perhaps we are using music as our tranquilizer of choice, our way of putting on the brakes or keeping us grounded. We know for a fact that people who listen to music daily live longer. This is an interesting association. Is it just the music or the fact that many of us also are very active, or that as a group our diets are better? Are we better educated? Perhaps it is all of these. Are we intentionally trying to hurt ourselves?
I do not think so. Some of us just like "better." Some of us are trying to one up the other guy. Most of us love music. The only time I hurt myself is when I get burned by the soldering iron and trust me on this one, I do not do it intentionally:)
I think just like vanity your competitive instinct gets whittled way until you lose it completely, just an effect of aging. I cycle with my wife and we do some very challenging rides like the Mortirolo and Stelvio passes. Just getting to the top is a victory. Nobody is racing. I love woodworking. The drive is to do things better and conquer difficult constructs.
I have noticed that audiophiles tend to be very active, involved people. Perhaps we are using music as our tranquilizer of choice, our way of putting on the brakes or keeping us grounded. We know for a fact that people who listen to music daily live longer. This is an interesting association. Is it just the music or the fact that many of us also are very active, or that as a group our diets are better? Are we better educated? Perhaps it is all of these. Are we intentionally trying to hurt ourselves?
I do not think so. Some of us just like "better." Some of us are trying to one up the other guy. Most of us love music. The only time I hurt myself is when I get burned by the soldering iron and trust me on this one, I do not do it intentionally:)