@rlb61I know the feeling.
(I own JA Perspectives and Thiel 2.7 speakers).
I’ve never felt a burning need for a subwoofer, but like anyone I can be swayed by all the talk about how subwoofers substantially improve a sound system, even when you add them to floor standing speakers.
I bought a couple JL Audio e110 too! Also the JL Audio CR1 crossover.I initially did a bunch of experimenting, following the basic rules of adding a sub and, yes, I heard some expanded soundstage/dimensionality etc. But what I couldn’t shake is that adding the sub changed the character to my ear of the entire speaker. The tonality changed from the mids up to the highs. Even as I played with phase and volume level I could never get rid of the problem that the sub would add, but also subtract. And I’d always prefer the tonality and punch of the system without the sub.
What does this say? To me it doesn’t determine that I don’t like the trade-off with subs necessarily. It may certainly be possible to maintain the same sonic character of the speaker and only add low bass. But it DOES tell me that trying to get that balance if FRIGGIN’ HARD...and it’s no wonder you see all the subwoofer-heads talking about taking weeks even months to dial in a sub, and/or employing all sorts of trial and error with DSP to get it just right.
So, could I get it "just right" to please my picky ears?
I hold out hope. But it’s such a hassle that I haven’t bothered to try again in...I dunno...at least a year. I’m trying to get myself to set them up again, and give it a longer more rigorous try, and then decide whether to throw in the towel.
(I’ve been wanting to upgrade my Perspectives to the graphene version, but don’t have the money, so I’ve contemplated selling all my subwoofer stuff to pay for the upgrade. Which is why I want to first give them a real try first).