LittelFuses Series 285 AUDIO/MEDICAL Quality

After doing some research I found  Littlefuse sells  AUDIO/MEDICAL quality fuses  Series 285 
they are all slo-blow, buy come in various sizes including  5x20 

With the cost being less than $10, has anybody tried these over $100 "Audiophile" brands?
Well looks like I can use Ceramic Fast blow with High Breaking capacity after all.. It is to bad that the Littelfuse series 285 does not have a fast blow option. I am going to give the Littelfuse series 216 ceramic a try for my speaker rail fuses since they are fast blow. Note the original fuses are glass. My other power fuses for main power and tubes are slow blow so I will change them to the series 285. Note the fuses that came with the amp were ceramic gold plating. Will report changes here.

Thank you all for your support.

Brubin your "fuse obsessed", you’ve been a member for over 9 months now, and all save one of your posts are about fuses, see what I’m getting at? there’s a lot more to this audio obsession out there, beside being just a fuser.

Cheers Dr. George
Georgie, you're not really all there, are you?

Calling someone else obsessed is textbook projection.

All the best,
Mr Rubin,

There's a BAZILLION : 1 ratio between the effect of cables and fuses.

Where foolzers go wrong is thinking their system is stable. It is not. It and they change day to day.

It is impossible to shut down a system for the time it takes to change fuses and have it sound identical upon restart.