Subs have an inherent delay which a lot of times causes Phase Canceling .
When using room correction software ,the delay that is setup for your Sub , is actually delaying the signal to your speakers to match the inherent delay in the sub. You see a lot of people and places talking about delaying the signal to the sub, but you are actually delaying the signal to the L/R speaker to match the inherent delay in the Sub
This software usually sets the subwoofer distance quite a bit farther than it actually is. Leave it that way . This is how it compensates .
So if you need to manually set the distance or delay and your are not using room correction software .
A rule of thumb is 1 foot equals 3 millisecond
When using room correction software ,the delay that is setup for your Sub , is actually delaying the signal to your speakers to match the inherent delay in the sub. You see a lot of people and places talking about delaying the signal to the sub, but you are actually delaying the signal to the L/R speaker to match the inherent delay in the Sub
This software usually sets the subwoofer distance quite a bit farther than it actually is. Leave it that way . This is how it compensates .
So if you need to manually set the distance or delay and your are not using room correction software .
A rule of thumb is 1 foot equals 3 millisecond