Is something wrong with my hearing?

I am a devoted analog fan as you can tell from my username ;). Couple months ago, I decided to buy a Dac and ended up with a Denafrips r2r Dac connected to a macbook and bought Audirvana software to get my ears used to Hi res digital files so I don’t have to get up while I am working to change records. Well, I really start getting Lazy and I focused on listening to digital file for most of my weekdays. I kept reading more about streamers and I finally decided to get my feet wet and purchase a Sonore Microrendu v1.4 and 2.8 Software + ifi power adapter. I noticed an improvement but not as big of improvement as I kept reading on some websites. Is my head programmed to just appreciate the sound of Vinyl To the point that I can not distinguish the difference between computers or streamers? Is the improvement really not that big? What am I doing wrong? 
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You can get pretty good sound from a computer using Audirvana Plus.  I used it for a while, still have it, and sonically it is comparable with my streamers.  I prefer not to have a PC in the system, but streamers are just computers that have been maximalized for Audio and placed in casework to make them look like audio products.  Audirvana Plus does a good job of taking over a PC and disabling the parts of the computer that may be sonically detrimental.  So OP nothing wrong with your hearing.  You just need to urge the synapse in your brain that has lead you to believe that a dedicated streamer must ipso facto sound better than a pc
Have your hearing tested doesn't hurt, and it may take you out of the loop in terms of WTH could be wrong.... ;)
@asvjerry Will keep that in mind! I really appreciate all the responses I am receiving. Thank you all for your comments!