Bowers & Wilkins - B&W

I am trying to buy a set of CM9's with the matching center but paying full retail really isn't my idea of a deal. Any idea of how I can get a better deal?
Before you become completely swamped by B&W's listen to as many speakers as you can within your price point so that you will be sure of your purchase. So many "audiophiles" get stuck on a brand only to find disappointment in the end. thing to keep in mind when you talk about 'deals'--the best deal is the one you're happy with.
Sounds trite? Not really.
In my 30 plus years of audio--I've, in tough times, practically given away the farm in terms of discount, only to have a dissatisfied customer, conversely, sold many times at full retail, and been blessed with eccstatic customers.
Do your due dilligence, find out which 'sound' makes you happy...then find a place that will service you, take care of any issues--ask them for a good price. If they, as Elizabeth indicated, will give you something off retail, AND you like the sound, AND are convinced that they'll be there after the sale, make the plunge. Then take them home and listen to MUSIC, not sound effects. (ReneƩ Olstead's music will do just fine).
The best price does not make for the best deal--the best deal is satisfaction. IMHO.

Good listening.

Everyone that has responded, Thank You! I hope I will be able to use your advise in one way shape or form to get what I call a deal. I agree with the used comment that was made but either I am a lousy searcher or I just haven't found a set on here as of yet.

I suppose I will keep my fingers crossed and hope something comes up.

I'd like to apologize to Blackmsport and to industry people on this forum. It seems that Blackmsport understood me to say that I would get him a discount from B&W. I don't know anyone at B&W and As most of you know, to get a discount, you typically have to sign something that the item is for your personal use and you will not sell the item for 1 year or more. I shouldn't have mentioned this as I could not tell a manufacturer that it was for me nor ask someone else to jeopardize relationships for me.
Sorry to all, Tim