Trans-Fi Terminator Tonearm: 2019 Update

In reading a few related posts on linear tracking tonearm, in general,  and Trans-Fi Terminator , in particular, I thought I would give a brief update of the Terminator.

I purchased the arm directly from Andrey in Moscow two months ago. From what I understand, Andrey has taken over production after Vic's retirement. What I received is the most up-to-date version of the arm with the carbon fibre wand and brass counterweights, the direct wire leads from cartridge to  phono amp, and a new brass manifold ( not evident from the main web-site). Both the wand and the new manifold are Andrey's contribution to the continued refinement of the Terminator.

Also,  please visit this site: This gentlemen from NZ has developed a new arm mount for the Terminator which advanced the arm's sonics even further. It was reading through the the development of this new arm mount that convinced me to order the Terminator after much prior research. I did not purchase the arm mount from NZ as it would not readily fit my Verdier La Platine, instead Andrey made a custom arm mount. It is in essence a two point support mount rather than a single point support rod that is commonly used. 

My previous arm was a SME V of 1990's vintage mounted with a ZYX airy. The Terminator is several notch above the SME V. All the accolades given to the Terminator seem justified. My main point in writing is that the new developments by Andrey, i.e. the carbon fibre wand and the newest brass manifold, seem to improve upon the Terminator even more ( see link above ). This is the news that I wanted to share with existing Terminator owners. I asked Andrey to start a blog on all the new stuff that is happening with the arm, but it seems that he is busy making 'things'!

Here’s the HK link
The thread is in Chinese, but the response with surge tank info is in English near the top of the thread.

The surge tanks  that I am using are generic plastic water containers. They are similar to  the gallon surge tank supplied by Andrey, just larger. Inlet / outlet holes are drilled and filled with chrome plated nozzles, inlet at bottom, outlet on top. 1/4” silicone tubes are used throughout.

Of the three tanks, I have filled the two larger tanks with a mix of crumbled paper balls and cotton balls, a little less than half full. @terry9 apparently fills his tank with cotton balls to within a few inches near full. 

A final word on VTA. Since my VTA setting ranges within 4 mm, I have made VTF measurements at the high and low VTA settings. The VTF differential between 4mm is around .03 g. My VTF is set at 2.0g in the middle of the VTA range. Moving the VTA up and down 2mm from the middle will result in a change of VTF of max. .015, so pretty negligible.

I've been chatting with Simes about this. My pump is over 55'/15m from the stock smoothing tank, thence 15'/5m to Terminator. He contends that length of air hose will already be doing a lot to smooth air flow, but I'm game to try an extra 30 or 50 litre surge tank, filled with cotton wool or crumpled paper balls to aid smoothing.

What is the specific Google search to use for these tanks and the nozzle attachments required?
Hi Marc, 
This is similar to the tank I am using:

This is similar to the type of nozzle used :

Additionally, you need a drill and  fast drying clue. 

In re-reading the HK post, surge tanks have to be used in low pressure / high air flow applications, like the Terminator. I seem to understand that for high pressure/ low air flow applications, I.e. ET, Airtangent...etc, surge tanks are not required. The assumption is that surge tanks are used to disrupt high velocity / fluctuating air flow. This allows a smooth / regulated air flow to reach the manifold. I assume that the slider on the Terminator would probably oscillate too eradically to control the cartridge without any surge tank at all. ( Terminator without surge tank is one experiment I am not interested in performing. ) I have noticed that with the additional surge tanks, the slider glides along with almost no lateral swaying. This presumably allows more electrical information to be passed along to the cartridge. I am, however, fuzzy on the physics of it all. For instance, l am not sure if longer tube runs equals smoother air flow. What is certain is the improvement in the arm’s performance.


As for hose and fittings, talk to the folks at an industrial air shop. They have connectors with barbs for the hose on one end, and threads on the other. A cost-effective alternative is as Ledoux, our OP suggests: a 4" PVC tube with end caps, all glued up, a hole in each end which is tapped to accept the thread on the connector, and some hose. For long runs I use 1/2" - rubber is best, as it flexes a bit with pressure peaks, and so tends to reduce those peaks.

It's actually quite liberating to talk to the people at the plastics shop and get their advice, ditto with the air people, and ditto with the tool people (auto, fastener, general tool store), about what you need, and how to do it. And then do it. When I retired I had never tapped a thread, now I have a drill press, an oscilloscope and a whole damned shop. I DIY everything - hell, if Jimmy Carter can retire and make all his own furniture, there's no shame to making my own audio!

Best of luck! Enjoy the journey!
Regarding the use of surge tanks for high pressure / low flow type linear tracking tonearms, Eminent Technology, Air tangent..etc, surge tanks are indeed used. All linear tracking arms require regulated / smoothing air flow. I guess it's simple physics. However, most ET arms seem to use a tube type surge tanks, much like what you describe @simes . 

It seems what is critical in achieving stable air flow is the increase in surge tank volume.