Here’s the HK link https://m.review33.com/forum_msg.php?db=1&topic=61090712061532&start=6735&sort=1&num...=
The thread is in Chinese, but the response with surge tank info is in English near the top of the thread.
The surge tanks that I am using are generic plastic water containers. They are similar to the gallon surge tank supplied by Andrey, just larger. Inlet / outlet holes are drilled and filled with chrome plated nozzles, inlet at bottom, outlet on top. 1/4” silicone tubes are used throughout.
Of the three tanks, I have filled the two larger tanks with a mix of crumbled paper balls and cotton balls, a little less than half full. @terry9 apparently fills his tank with cotton balls to within a few inches near full.
A final word on VTA. Since my VTA setting ranges within 4 mm, I have made VTF measurements at the high and low VTA settings. The VTF differential between 4mm is around .03 g. My VTF is set at 2.0g in the middle of the VTA range. Moving the VTA up and down 2mm from the middle will result in a change of VTF of max. .015, so pretty negligible.
Here’s the HK link https://m.review33.com/forum_msg.php?db=1&topic=61090712061532&start=6735&sort=1&num...=
The thread is in Chinese, but the response with surge tank info is in English near the top of the thread.
The surge tanks that I am using are generic plastic water containers. They are similar to the gallon surge tank supplied by Andrey, just larger. Inlet / outlet holes are drilled and filled with chrome plated nozzles, inlet at bottom, outlet on top. 1/4” silicone tubes are used throughout.
Of the three tanks, I have filled the two larger tanks with a mix of crumbled paper balls and cotton balls, a little less than half full. @terry9 apparently fills his tank with cotton balls to within a few inches near full.
A final word on VTA. Since my VTA setting ranges within 4 mm, I have made VTF measurements at the high and low VTA settings. The VTF differential between 4mm is around .03 g. My VTF is set at 2.0g in the middle of the VTA range. Moving the VTA up and down 2mm from the middle will result in a change of VTF of max. .015, so pretty negligible.