Superb Bryston BDA-3.14

My new Bryston BDA-3.14 was delivered today.

Bryston assured me that the product is compatible with OSX.

Imagine my surprise when I tried to mount an Apple share using the ‘User Friendly’ NAS Setup system only to get the message “apple error” pop up on browser.

Having twenty years experience managing Linux systems I decided to establish an ssh session to have a look at the perfectly setup Debian system.

Well, well, well the 16 year old at Bryston done got forgotten to install the afpfs and afpcmd binaries. Gosh darn Bryston, how did that happen?

The apache log is riddled with PHP errors so it’s not surprising nothing shows up on the beautifully crafted interface when searching for “The Beatles”, no that’s a bit unfair some sort of list pops up 35 seconds later, if you are lucky

Here’s some advice Bryston: just stick to making audio equipment.

So many articles wax poetic about the Manic Moose interface, what a compete and utter joke this is compared to a professionally written software package like Audirvana.

The only saving grace is the DAC itself, but if you cannot navigate easily to the music you want to listen to it’s completely pointless.

There are plenty of well written open source code around that I would rather donate to instead of an Audiovarna contract. 
Well, well, well the 16 year old at Bryston done got forgotten to install the afpfs and afpcmd binaries. Gosh darn Bryston, how did that happen?

@shaunmccullagh is there any reason you aren't using SMB sharing from your macOS system? The File Sharing feature under System Preferences > Sharing allows you to share folders via SMB as well as via AFP. And SMB should have mounted without any issues.
Long time Bryston digital player owner here; I would say many Bryston owners do not use their own web app except for updates and admin functions. Since Bryston uses MPD database, there are several generic MPD music players that work well for your own attached music (I use Rigelian which is excellent).  However if you want to use streamed sources like Tidal, you are stuck with the Bryston Manic Moose.  
I own the BDP3 and the DAC3.  The DAC is superb, and it is what lead me to buy the BDP3 when I got tired of Bluesound dying on me repeatedly, and while the BDP3 sounds fantastic I completely agree with everything the OP says about Manic Moose.
  I am curious about nm_mac2 post.  The Bryston won’t work with UPNP Bubble App.  I will investigate Rigelian but what other MPD music players does he recommend?
Interested to hear all the responses.

The DAC part really is superb. I got my new unit for very good price, much less than a BDP3.

So I might keep it, endure Manic Moose for the time being and buy an Aurender N100H at a later date which has some support for MQA and a business like GUI running on a well designed app.

Interested to hear if anybody else has tried this combination.

I plan to connect the BDP-pi directly to a 4B3 as this is approved by Bryston, I don’t need vinyl any more, sadly....