Vandersteen 1C Tweaking distance to front wall

Looking for any experience and thoughts from Vandersteen owners on your setup distance to the front wall.

The back edge of my 1c's are currently about 23" distance to the front wall.
Speakers are 7.5 feet apart and i sit about 8.5 feet away.
At moderate volume  and with good recordings the sound is fabulous with good controlled full bass.

However I tend to listen a lot at low volumes late at night and listen to lots of older recordings as well. Both these factors contribute to the sound being a little lean sounding down low. I'm considering moving them back closer to the wall to tweak up the bass frequencies. 

Any thoughts or how far are yours from the wall ? thanks
Backing them up start at 13 to 18 inches out also try a bit wider apart with just a bit of equal toe in and then play with tilt-back. like Tomic said it is free. Measure exactly each speaker's middle to your nose confirm they are both the same at your seating position.
I was at 19 inches from front wall with my Treo Ct's. Bottom bass octave was good, but mid to upper bass range was a bit weak. I used a pair of Vandersteen 2cWq subs. What I found out was the subs were acting like band-aids for the sound as it filled in the mid to upper bass range. I tried moving the Treos closer to the front wall going from 19 inches to 8 inches and also removing the subs. The speakers sound way better now from top to bottom without the subs. Bass is much improved. I like the Treos without the subs as sound is much more coherent with addition of better lower mids. I will have to do a lot of experimenting with the subs while trying to maintain the magic of the Treos by themselves. A major task to say the least....
Just back em up ! It varies in each room start at 10 inches to the back of the speakers and then bring them out. maintain a triangle or 20 percent out of triangle with your chair.
how is the OP doing with experimentation ? send me a PM if you need more help, Johnny R is the best