Want to setup basic home audio system

As the title states, I am looking for advice on the main components required to get a basic home audio system going for under 1k. When I do get to save more money, I am open to add more into the system. For now, what are the basic components of a home audio system that I mainly need to focus on right now? I am not looking to get a home theater setup. ONNLY LOOKING TO GET HOME AUDIO SYSTEM FOR MUSIC
So, I guess the, "OP" is the recipient of my, "Good Deed" for the week.
I'll throw some nice cabling, "IMHO" in as well.
 Uh oh, I didn't just legally adopt this fellow did I?
Those "Golden Ear, Triton's" mentioned above are a nice speaker.
 Does anyone know if the "Post Office", still has those nifty,
(If it fit's? It Ships)"!! Flat-rate boxes just sitting there for free?
 I am sure I can jam each of these in a couple of those.
And with a wrap of "Saran" maybe to keep the dust out before dropping them in?
None of that "wimpy" bubble wrap or foam-"peanut like", strata, for Me! 
After all, they placed all of those dusty, oxidized and soft/puffy capacitor filled electronics inside that metal case to protect it all right?
And is that $50 worth of , "Postal Insurance" still free with any tracked parcel as well?
Did I say that gear was mint? 
I meant, "It Smells", like mint. "Someone spilled something one X-mas I think.......
Anyway, "It smells" kinda like mint....and....something else......Hmmm.
 Of course, after the dog had all those puppies on top of it.......
And, "Then the rains came".....
Thanks everyone for your opinions and recommendations! I learned more in the past few days than a month of reading about different types of speakers and amps. 

Man I am extremely grateful for coming across someone like you online! You make this passion/hobby way more enjoyable and exciting! Good karma will be swiftly delivered to your front door.
In regards to your request, I believe USPS mails out free shipping boxes in packs of 10 or 25 if you request them online. Otherwise, I know that the post office does have individual ones on the shelf by customer service. 

Thank you everyone for helping out this amateur!
@diripio....If that 'hard drive' is in your 'puter/laptop, there's a plethora of freeware of an audio bent....

My fave is  https://sourceforge.net/p/equalizerapo/wiki/Documentation/

...with...  https://sourceforge.net/projects/peace-equalizer-apo-extension/?source=typ_redirect   which makes APO a bit more 'user friendly', and allows to wring the best out of a speaker pair. *S*

And, after your feet get a bit more nimble....and a good calibrated microphone...

The only requirement is running Windows, the faster the better.

Enjoy your Journey....J

@jollygreenaudiophile2:   I hear ya, but as that site is deemed credible and the charges for shipping are $150-250, I would hope that the gear is packed sufficiently, if not in original boxes.  Best not to assume and I think that would be something to verify.
Diripio, I may have missed it, have we been given the room size? Room size, distance from speakers, loudness levels desired, all in addition to speaker demands contribute to power needs. Could you please provide us a little more guidance regarding the environmental aspects. 

Given none of the room variables are extreme, any 50-100wpc, 4ohm capable amplification will drive speakers having a true 86dB sensitivity rating and a reasonable flat 8 ohm impedance plot. There are many speakers that fit your budget and these constraints. 

I am curious as to what you are using now.