the proton d1200 amp can produce 540w/1000w/1500w 20ms '450w/650w/800w 100ms '380w/500w/520w 200ms 'duty cycle 500ms dynamic headroom at 8,4,2ohms 7.3db 'should be able to easily handle any crescendo that Beethoven,Mahler,or Orff can dish out,n'est pas?
What's the difference between Continuous RMS and Dynamic Power ?
Many people confuse these specifications, so I will try to give you a simplified, non-technical explanation. Continuous RMS Power, is the spec that really tells you how powerful an amplifier is. RMS power is expressed in watts. A typical specification might read 100 watts RMS into 8 ohms from 20Hz-20KHz at .01% THD. What this means, basically, is that the amplifier will deliver 100 watts into an 8-ohm speaker from 20Hz to 20Khz? This frequency range is basically the entire audio range that an individual can hear. The THD spec stands for Total Harmonic Distortion: This is the amount of distortion the amplifier will introduce into the original signal. Any high quality amp made today has extremely low distortion ratings. The human ear cannot hear anything under 2%. For the most part, when you are considering purchasing an amplifier, you can disregard the THD specifications.
Dynamic Power, is a little more difficult to understand. This is a test of the amplifier's ability to go beyond its continuous RMS power for a very short time period. We are not talking minutes or even seconds here. We are talking milliseconds or thousandths of a second. A musical transient peak, such as a cymbal crash lasts only a very short time. Dynamic power is usually measured into 8 ohms, but specifications are generally also published for 2, 4, and 6 ohm loads as well. To keep things from getting too complicated, we will concentrate on the 8-ohm figures. To measure dynamic power, an amplifier is fed a 1000 Hz signal for 20 milliseconds then allowed to rest for 480 milliseconds. The amplifier volume control is turned up until the amp reaches the clipping point. At that point, the amp has reached its instantaneous peak or dynamic power output. Like the continuous power rating, dynamic power is expressed in watts. The figure is usually significantly larger than the RMS power rating, and should not be confused with the continuous power ratings of the amplifier. A dynamic power rating into a figure such as 1 or 2 ohms does not mean that the amplifier can drive a speaker with a 1 or 2 ohm rating continuously. If you attempt that, the amplifier will either go into the protection mode or possibly cause damage.
PROTON D1200 continuous RMS power is 100 W at 8 ohms. This amplifier is NOT rated for RMS power at 4 Ohms which is the internal impedance of the Magnepan MG12/QR speakers. You got plenty of company to discuss for issues with mass violins. I am trying to give you a solution to at least minimize the problems related to reproducing mass violins in your system.