Johnnysterebuyers advice seems good. If you’ve a minute to read your homeowners policy, you might find a few valuables listed the policy doesn’t or only partially covers, that you could fit into your car.
For instance our State Farm Homeowners policy only paid out fifty cents on the dollar for my late wife’s jewelry, when our home was robbed about a dozen years ago. If you’re married, you might want put your wife’s jewelry in the glove compartment, as that’s not a big item to take with you and might mean a lot to her. My wife felt the loss of jewelry pieces she’d gotten over the years as gifts, as well as her late Mom’s wedding ring and the like. Sentimental things like that are what you might feel bad about for years after. My wife’s jewelry was as important to her as my stereo is to me, which the insurance does cover, so can be left behind.
Take care, that’s the most important thing. Best of luck to you and yours. I hope things turn out well for you. And if you see Millercarbon on the side of the road as you’re escaping, please pick him up in spite of himself.