Think fast: What would you take?

I live in beautiful Portland, Oregon.
Pandemics, riots, rain, no rain, economic turmoil, comets...
Now we have devastating fires. 
One of my audio buddies is waiting in an evacuation center, awaiting the horrible news that he's lost his home. A couple others are at level 2 ready to abandon their homes. These guys are the best audiophile guys you could ever hope to have around. You probably know them.
With light rain in the forecast (Monday), I feel fairly safe.
But, I have collected one small suit case, just in case. My car will be loaded with camping gear. A photo album. Maybe a friend or 2.
Of the items in my listening room, I know I can't take any equipment. Maybe a couple Lps? No, I could replace those. 
So, I ask you: What would you take?
Hopefully, you'll never be in such a situation.
Nonoise, I believe you were partially (mis)quoting (partially misquoting is a liberal hallmark) this- “There is evil in one race constantly victimizing their own race, over and over.” Do you think I’m wrong? I watched black lives torn asunder by crimes committed against them and against those they love, over and over. The black mans biggest fear is another black man, not a white cop, even a casual look at the statistics would show that to be true. Hell, MOST black people living in an inner city would agree. Don’t for one second allude to me thinking that kneeling on someone’s neck until they die is in any way acceptable, don’t you dare take that liberty. I’ll have you know I was among the first in, what was then a new idea and unit, called community policing. In an official format it didn’t last long in any meaningful way because of the huge cost in terms of personnel needed to do the job correctly, in a hugely cash strapped city it didn’t last, but we loved it, and it made the population feel safer for a time. But of course because of my realistic views you couldn’t possibly think I’d do that, right?

Again, what part of what I originally posted is wrong or untruthful, you failed to address specifically what that was, instead deflecting with some inane amateur psycholgy? Oh, and you never touched on (you are touched) the fact that you blatantly lied (or your uncle did) about the ridiculous “bomb proof hood” you spoke of.

I’ve always been very upfront with my experience and the truths I’ve seen working in an urban setting, you’d have to be an idiot (of any race) not to notice. Then there’s the riots, murders, looting, and destruction carried out upon the very people the protests are supposed to be supporting, carried out by those same people, and you don’t see this, are you blind, ignorant, or both?

Try answering the questions I originally asked, for once without trying to deflect in some way, shape, or form!
Report! Report! Report!
Millercarbon has gotten under your skin.
Grow some balls and face the truth!
Peace out a**holes! (asterisks are mine, bimmer was kind enough to write it in its raw form)

How cute, miller has a drinking buddy.
And I see you have both taken the same eloquence class.
Next time you feel the need to be so toxic, save your breath.
You'll need it tonight to blow up your girlfriend...
Blaming specific races or political parties are ways to try to neatly dispense with complicated issues for one's own mental comfort. Some of us here are Republicans, some are Democrats, some are men, women, black, white, asian, etc. People are responsible as individuals for the specific things they do or fail to do, and blaming a group is scapegoating. And scapegoating is an individual act which is blameworthy. Those doing it need to look in the mirror and consider turning off the media and politicians feeding us these phrases. We must rid ourselves of anger and hate.