anotherbob, you seem to live in a binary world. Only two sides, no nuance. You betray your limited world view by seeing anyone who disagrees with you as "liberal". You fail to see, let alone acknowledge, the steeped history of oppression and it's results, but complain about them as if they were the origins of the problem.
As for the bomb proof hood, it was a locking mechanism that made it impossible for anyone to install a bomb to the motor from above, with the hood open. I'd ask, how can you be so dense but I already know.
I had no idea how many knuckle dragging, kool-aid drinking, brainwashed, conspiracy theorists were here and I must admit, it's a bit unsettling. Now I'm certain that there are Qanon whackos here on A'gon, who truly believe the world is run by an elite cabal of cannibalistic pedophiles who drink the blood of children from the underground sex ring they run and that Trump knows of this and is presently fighting them.
That makes about as much sense as people and rural PDs issuing warnings of antifa going around starting fires and looting, resulting in armed idiots in fire zones setting up check points and accosting people.
All the best,