a policeman’s job is only easy in a police state
Being a urban police officer is a very tough job. Our society assigns them the task of dealing with people and issues that most people don't even want to acknowledge. Things like homelessness, drug abuse, domestic violence, a broken education system, ineffective immigration policy and too easy access to guns are everyday encounters for urban police men and women. The emotional toll and resulting psychic damage are well documented. Police have higher rates of divorce, alcoholism/drug abuse and suicide than other comparable demographic groups. Additionally, since only another cop can understand what they deal with, many police officers become quite insulated from the general population. Add to that there is the perception that their work is not sufficiently appreciated by society. The people whom they police hate them and the population they police for look down upon them. Basically, being a cop sucks. And to top it off, after twenty years on the job you end up a virulent racist. So the question becomes, is the pension and medical benefits worth it?
I love western movies. To me they are the symbolize so much of the American mythology. One of the frequent themes in westerns is that the townspeople want law and order. The shop keepers don't want the cowboys coming in and shooting up the town. So they hire a tough lawman and he straightens the town out. But eventually the town begins to see the sheriff as a tyrant and they turn against him.
Right now in our country large segments of the populace are re-examining how they view the police. The nation wants law and order, but they don't want the police simply to be the best armed gang of thugs. Currently the police with their warrior training and surplus military equipment act like an occupying army in some neighborhoods. People are asking if this is right. Today it's happening in that neighborhood, but tomorrow it could happen in yours.
Sorry to go so far off topic, but I just thought Anotherbob's truth needed some context.