Is there measurement that correlates with cohesive/pinpoint imaging?

I am currently using single-driver Omega alnico speakers which have the most coherent imagining that I've ever heard.  However, if I wanted to compare them with other speakers (including multi-way speakers with crossovers) in that regard, are there any specific measurements to account for?  Would measured delay between driver signals in a multi-way speaker be a useful proxy?
AFAIK, there is no 1 number for this, but if you want to jump into a fun rabbit hole, research "Head Related Transfer Functions" or HTRF for short. :)
Is there a measurement that correlates with sound stage depth? Width? Timbre? Palpable presence? Slam, punch, drive, grain, glare, detail? Is there a speaker measurement that actually does correlate with anything that matters? Yes: sensitivity. 

Does it tell you anything about how the speaker sounds? Not really. But at least it does give some idea how much power you will need. Which is more than can be said for any of the other measurements. 

Its the only measurement I paid any attention to when buying any of mine.
Well, that's unfortunate!  Lots of speaker companies claim to have a focus on coherent imaging, but nobody has any idea how to measure it?  Do phase alignment/time alignment correlate?
Lots of speaker companies claim to have a focus on coherent imaging, but nobody has any idea how to measure it?
it is measured by frequency response tests