Moving to France

We are planning a move to France fairly soon. Does anyone know the best way to cleanly transform the 240v european voltage down to 117 without a bunch of hum?

I'm sorry. Hopefully you will not be stuck there long. Get a step down transformer, avoid the no-go zones, watch out for the poop and needles, and you should be fine.
Many manufactures will convert the power supplies in your equipment to whatever voltage you require. Many already have that capability already built in.

contact the individual manufacturers and inquire regard voltage conversions.  

Step up or step down transformers are good, but you would probably need a pretty hefty one.  And they costs.

Isn't it awful how mc just vomits his bogus talking points at the drop of a beret?
Yes. I make a point of not reading anything MC writes, but he cunningly camouflaged himself with a short post, so I too was afflicted. Yecch. I feel dirty.
To the OP: yes, a toroidal step-down transformer is just the ticket. I suggest sizing it at about half again the total 'wattage' of your components. Plitron used to sell good ones, but they have become pretty hard to deal with - you could try.

Drink a Grand Cru for me!