All New Acoustic Energy AE520 Flagship Loudspeakers // The Carbon Fiber Giant Killers ?!

I believe these speakers are a real game-changer at their price range to have all of their speaker drivers made out of Carbon Fiber...Tweeters are made of Carbon Fiber TOO ! For only $3500 UK $4100 a pair USA       Coming soon !
 Here's a review on the smaller Acoustic Energy AE509 speakers, they were comparing these speakers to the raved Estelon X Diamond speakers that cost $65000 and other High-End speakers too !..  
  I can't wait to listen to these new speakers !  

 Not connected with Acoustic Energy in any way

Your breathless excitement (!) for so many "game changers" "bargains" "new technologies" "greater than the sum of its parts" and "giant killers" tuckers me out.

Are you the Devil of the Exclamation Point, highend666? Because my head has spun around so many times, I'm sure I need an exorcism.

Not connected with William Peter Blatty in any way!
Please specify what parts of the speakers *aren't" made of carbon fiber.  That would make for a shorter list.
Even the very small and much cheaper Acoustic Energy AE500 has better sound quality than these other raved high-end speakers here ! If you look at their other videos your see what I'm talking about here. Carbon Fiber Speaker Drivers working their magic.. WOW !
 I don't think no other speaker company is making a carbon fiber tweeter  !