432 EVO

Thought I would start this thread to gauge interest in this network streamer. I have been following it for a little while now. Just wondered if anyone else had this on their radar. Any comments from current owners would be great.

Hmmm, so the server of choice is of no consequence and the fact that it can play music at 432hz doesn’t matter? I see. As the thread indicates, just trying to gauge interest.
No listed dealers in the USA? 

One review had comments with concern about the wiring?

Where do you get this serviced?

Just thinking out loud...
As with any product from Europe that makes it's way to the U.S., I'm sure that will be worked out just like Sonus Faber, ATC speakers or Dartzeel amps etc. I would like to see the review that mentioned a wiring concern. I'm all for learning as much as I can about a product. Can you post a link?
I have seen some brief postings on this on What's Best and Audiophile Style forums as well as AudioTroy here.    I admit I am curious, and do intend to uptdate my server as probable next major purchase.  I would need to know USA service posture and more in depth comparisons and reviews and would hope to go audition.  If there is a single dealer/distributor, then a home audition program would need to be available.   I suspect we will see several new servers in the Statement price range in next 6-9 months and most probably more in the $7000 and below range too.  The lack of audio shows during COVID has depressed the new equipment releases and associated forum and review chumming of the audio waters.
There are a bunch of east European products that are getting real attention. Places like Poland and Romania, etc. That is all great.

But some of these brands might only have one online dealer in the USA? So, Americans who buy this stuff are early adopters. This can work out well. But such companies can fade away leaving service options in doubt? It can take a long time and many happy customers to reach the import status that Sonus Faber, ATC, etc have achieved. 
I don’t want to be a downer on 432 Evo here! I actually fowarded  the link to this company to a friend who is considering an Innuos server option earlier this evening. He highlighted that a previous $5k transport from a small bespoke company left him out in the cold due to lack of service options. 
But I hope you might get responses from actual owners here...