Solitary listener

With this pandemic it’s difficult to get anyone to come over to share your audio system with.
No matter how good it sounds, there’s no one to enjoy it with you and confirm your good feelings.
Hopefully the situation will get better soon.
No big deal. I've been a solitary listener for over 30 years and am quite used to it. Nobody in my extended family (whom I love dearly) has ever given 2 hoots about it. Had a few lifelong friends, no longer with us, who shared my bizarre musical tastes but were always more concerned with just staring at the stacked Acoustats and asking how loud they will go as opposed to actually sitting in the sweet spot and listening to them properly.
We must be a somewhat of a rare, possibly strange breed. Even without Covid, if l asked most people l knew to come over and listen to my audio rig they would look at me dazed and confused! And if they did manage to come and listen, they more than likely would ask " does it play louder??"
I used to get very excited about sharing my system with friends. I’d be on an audio high and want to share the sound of a new amp, new speakers, amazing sound stage, or a new DAC. For all but one person, the response was always, “I don’t hear the difference.” Or, “it did not cost that much.” Or, “Yeah, nice. And where’s the beer?” And so I’ve stopped getting excited about sharing my system because either I can hear things my friends literally can’t, or I’m batsh*t crazy and hearing things that aren’t there.
rvpiano, your request is hypocritical in the extreme. You start a thread "With this pandemic" then tell us to ignore the fact you are saying its a pandemic. When its not. Notice on this page it says 
Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 (PIC) for week 36 is 6.3%.

See that? They COMBINE pneumonia, flu (ordinary flu!) and COVID to come up with 6.3%. That is flat out exaggeration. We know from doctors reports they are pressured to list COVID as cause of death. Medicare pays $40k for ICU care with that diagnosis. Awful lotta pressure to list that, even when its not. 

RV, I understand your request. However, this "situation" is either very real or not real at all and the sooner that is fully figured out and understood by the masses is imperative for life and freedom as we know it. 

Exactly. The virus is not the danger. The political response to the virus, that is the danger. We have been frightened into giving away freedoms unheard of in American history. 
rvpiano ... 

You can start having friends over on November 4th, as that will be the date when the "all clear" signal will be given. 
