For the record:
It is correct that very powerful amplifier, like our Musician III, can be rather poor match for the high sensitivity speakers. This why each and every Musician III leaving factory (sold new or after upgarde, repair etc) is tested on 98 dB sensitivity single woofer speakers and not on difficult to drive ones.
Many believe, I suspect, that all class D amplfiers have, and I quote: "....negative feedback switching power supply power amp " It is not so. Our Musician III, Mark Levisnon No.53 and few other class D amplfifiers use traditional "heavy" linear ones (Mark Levinson single monoblock weights, I believe, 170 lbs!).
It is not to say that there are no excellent switching power supplies (which can be used with class A,B,C,D,E etc amplifiers. One is that by Jeff Rowland (fully reguilated with PFC) and another, I know of is ours own which we use exclusively in our pro audio products (also fully regulated with PFC).
Moreover, I believe and I could be wrong that recent NuForce Ref 18 and Bel Canto 1000 Mk2 amplifiers use essentially older ICE Power based output stage(s) but improved the B&O switching power supplies by addition of extra capactitors and as I read people like the improvments but I probably should not go into subjective sonic opinions.
It is correct that very powerful amplifier, like our Musician III, can be rather poor match for the high sensitivity speakers. This why each and every Musician III leaving factory (sold new or after upgarde, repair etc) is tested on 98 dB sensitivity single woofer speakers and not on difficult to drive ones.
Many believe, I suspect, that all class D amplfiers have, and I quote: "....negative feedback switching power supply power amp " It is not so. Our Musician III, Mark Levisnon No.53 and few other class D amplfifiers use traditional "heavy" linear ones (Mark Levinson single monoblock weights, I believe, 170 lbs!).
It is not to say that there are no excellent switching power supplies (which can be used with class A,B,C,D,E etc amplifiers. One is that by Jeff Rowland (fully reguilated with PFC) and another, I know of is ours own which we use exclusively in our pro audio products (also fully regulated with PFC).
Moreover, I believe and I could be wrong that recent NuForce Ref 18 and Bel Canto 1000 Mk2 amplifiers use essentially older ICE Power based output stage(s) but improved the B&O switching power supplies by addition of extra capactitors and as I read people like the improvments but I probably should not go into subjective sonic opinions.