...bookshelf speakers that sound good at low volume...

Hello to all...

Looking for new bookshelf speakers that sound good at low volume

CD-only listening; powering with 35w/8ohm Monoprice integrated, with silver interconnects; speaker cable home made twisted 14g solid core copper, bare wire connected to JBL L25 "PRIMA" Big 2-ways...

In approx. 14’ x14’ room in apt: multi use area - dining/kitchen/tv-gaming

If dedicated listening: approx 8’away (speaker cabinets 6’ center to center; speakers are not mirror-image const.)

Speakers sound great at medium+ volume - they really sing - but are really muddy and not detailed at low volume.

Options: replace integrated with vintage or new 50-75w/ch (with or without DAC) OR new or vintage bookshelf speakers... budget $500-$1000 max.

Located in Metro NYC area...

At present - I am gonna keep the JBLs: could their low volume presentation change with a better or higher wattage integrated?

I know I am casting a wide net here, not looking for " try it - see how it sounds": looking for experiences and opinions based on trial and errors of others willing to share.

Thanks in advance to all... Best Wishes - Be Well...
Tannoys or Fyne. Coax or dual-concentric speakers are more coherent at low volume and the higher sensitivity of such speakers also helps.

Before spending money on anything more have you tried a different setup...more nearfeild...just tightening my speaker stands and grounding them to carpeted floor saved my speakers from chopping block...can listen alot lower volume and sound stage centered in,could’nt believe simple tweek would do that...more powerfull/cleaner amp maybe?

Here is a classic, and little sonic nugget. The first two models, that were made. Infinity, Infinitesimals. Alu/Mag, cast cabinet with true ribbons and pretty good bass response, from the DVC 4.5, Watsons.. 93-5% they can pump it out, and LOOK, Very retro.... They normally come with a mounting kit. 
