Msb dacs why not alot of postings

These are vonsifered the best out i wrong ?
I got a floor model MSB S200 power amp a number of years ago for a decent price; it sounded so great with either solid-state or tube source that I got some other used MSB gear on Audiogon, like an 'Analog DAC', which I also use as a pre-amp, and the UMT Plus transport. I'd never be able to afford this stuff new, but you CAN find them at reasonable prices as either store demos or used, and I've had no problems with any of this gear.
Shakira: good DACs for sure. How do they compare vs. MSB? Which MSB DAC have you owned?
It's disheartening to read so many negative comments about MSB from folks who've never even heard it. The reality is - with most things in life you get what you pay for. That plus diminishing returns is why top performance cars, audio gear, etc. are expensive. I rank MSB as one of the best along with TotalDAC, Aries Cerat and a handful of others which I've heard. My taste lends towards a detailed non - fatiguing effortless DAC which is why I picked the Aqua Formula along with the matching LinQ streamer. Not the best but quite good IMO. 

I have been eyeing the LinQ server for a while. Can you operate LinQ by its proprietary app or you must subscribe to Roon to operate the LinQ?