To venture back into vinyl or not,...that is the question.

I have been without vinyl playback for a few years.  Last turntable I had was a Linn Axis with Basik tonearm and a newer version of the ADC XLM mark"something".  

Any suggestions on a used table to consider.....under 500.00 if possible.  Or maybe just an old BSR and "stack 'em up"?

I never got rid of my old turntable (Micro Seiki MB14), but I added a couple of new ones in the past couple of years (Rega P3 and Pioneer PLX 1000). I'm really happy with the quality of the equipment. What I'm not so enthusiastic about is the quality of new pressings, including heavy-weight pressings. An unacceptably high percentage of them, including from prestigious labels, suffer from problems that cannot be eradicated by a good cleaning. While I generally prefer the sound quality of LPs to either CDs or hi-res digital recordings, I'd rather listen to a flawless hi-res recording than a noisy LP. Fortunately, I have enough old LPs in great condition that I don't consider my investments in analogue technology wasted.
For $799.00 you could get the Shiite SOL TT and add the Shiite Mani for an additional $129.00 that would be a start then after a while you could upgrade.
I was in the same boat.  Several years ago I sold off my AR-ES1 with a Premier MMT arm and Grado Signature 8 cartridge.  Earlier this year picked up an Audio Techica LP-120XUSB and put a VM95SH on sounds amazing, and it sounds better than my Denon DCM 440 with Topping E30 DAC.  It's definitely possible to very respectable sound in your price range. 

I had also considered the Fluance RT-85 with the Ortofon 2M Blue cart, but am glad I went in the direction I did.