CD player output via DAC chips vs tube tech

Just got my Shanling CD3000, The Balanced DAC dual channel chips vs the 
6922 tube unbalanced out. 
and the winner is
By so much
This Shanling has world class Dac chips in each channel in the balanced. 
Music sound like ,,(fill in the blank)
vs the pair of 6922 outs
Tubes bruoght all the  magic in, almost if not close to my Cayin CD17  Mark 1,/Mundorf caps, + Tele PCC88 player, 
so like yeah, DAC vs tubes
HA!. Get real, Tube tech on digital is real life like music.
DAC's mush the music into some weird pattern, flat, no zing, no flair, nothing, no soundstage, just , a  blop of ( fill in the blank)\
DAC's at $$$$$
lets stay real folks, watch the snakey-oil 

From review

" There are balanced as well as single ended outputs. Actually I should say 'output stages' as both sets of outputs have their own complete set of output stages, with the single ended ones even equipped with a 6922 valve while the balanced outputs use opamps ".

Aldo, from Underwood HIFI

" The balanced output employs 4 x Burr Brown OPA-627 opamps, the best made. Tubes are two Electro Harmonix 6922s. "

How does that align with your narrative above - DAC chips vs tubes?
That’s exactly what he said right? Unbalanced has the tubes, balanced has the burr browns plus oppamps. Apparently the unbalanced sounds better because of the tubes. Nice! I also just got my tube CD player and I absolutely love it!