UPDATE : "Singing resonators" improvement...
I improved my "singing resonators" not only by adding micro herkimer diamonds and tourmaline beads around them, i also add a big chunk of shungite (elite variety) +a big herkimer diamond in the middle of the 7 glued together buckets...
I keep 2 sets of seven buckets, one set in a corner of my room, at right of my listening position; another set under the ceiling in the middle of the room; all 2 sets oriented toward the speakers....
The change in the sound is very audible and can be adjust or modified by the different stones, in number or by their qualitative difference....The sound can be made more toward higher frequencies or bass one, the criterium is always a better timbre....
At cost of peanuts, anyone can transform the acoustic of a room....It is not perfect, but at this cost the change/ money ratio is spectacular....The change is there in near listening and in regular position, nullifying the belief that music in near listening position is a good solution in a non controlled room....
Always listen to timbre, not to the frequencies first.... Choose different timbre to compare....
How in the world a shungite chunk of 100 gram +an herkimer diamond glued on these metal buckets can change completely the sound ?
Good results(my interpretation) or bad for other ears than mine, never mind, the true question is how crystals like H.D. or minerals like shungite can have a strong impact in the room acoustic?
My room has never been better....
Each weeks in the last year i learn something new.... Nobody teach me that, all my results were experiments in listenings.... Not tweaks....Tweak are a product ready made, all the same for all people rooms...
My device has been created for my room and ears..... But anybody can try them with varying materials to adjust the idea to his room and system....
My devices are NOT tweaks.... They are device adjusted and calibrated for a particular room, mine, they are born from a method of experiments in listening in the 3 dimensions, mechanical, electrical, and mainly acoustic....
Dont throw your money, Hi-Fi may cost peanuts, only sellers will contradict that and those brainwashed by their publicity and their own costly ownership.... Be creative and have fun listening....
My best to all....