Genalex Gold Lion 12AX7 - different grades?

Hello all - I’ve been searching for a new set of tubes for my Manley Snappers and have decided to go with the Gold Lion KT77s & 12AX7 . One seller I like has referenced they have different grades "Gold/Platinum" of the 12AX7 , lower noise shelf , microphonics this possible or sales I look around other sellers the 12AX7s all look the same , no classification differences...thanks
I think I have seen the online seller's site you are referencing to. Not sure that the grades mean. But I moved from Genalex Gold Lion to Psvane for my 12AU7 requirements. I suggest you reach out to Viva tubes since they have both and find out the "characteristics" before you make a choice. Their prices are fair and shipping is reasonable.
So you know GL 10% matching, is considered matched, I venture a guess and say, 5% is one option, with gold pins, maybe. They are still russian made valves. Nothing fancy like the older GL KT88s.

Second PSVANE does it out of the gate, GOOD valve, 5% or better matching. Not as dark, I don't know how else to explain GL valves, to me they lack the the luster, I like. To tame so to speak..
PSVANE, GOOD Tellies, (really rare any more) RCA black plate, 59-64 or so. For the money, and for the SQ, PSVANE.
