Hi stringreen,
Thanks for the tip regarding the Grado! I myself prefer over the ear phones. I tried a nice set of Cardas in ear phones and found them to be a bit heavy and not quite as comfortable as over the ear phones. What I like about the HD600's is that they are very comfortable, but they are also a open-back design and do not block environmental noise. If I were to look at obtaining a new set of phones, I would be looking for something over the ear, but I think I might try a new amp first. What do you think?
Thanks for the tip regarding the Grado! I myself prefer over the ear phones. I tried a nice set of Cardas in ear phones and found them to be a bit heavy and not quite as comfortable as over the ear phones. What I like about the HD600's is that they are very comfortable, but they are also a open-back design and do not block environmental noise. If I were to look at obtaining a new set of phones, I would be looking for something over the ear, but I think I might try a new amp first. What do you think?