Anyone heard te Sony SS-AR1

I heard Sony's 27k new speaker today. Sony is obviously not a name you think of when it comes to high-end audio, but this speaker is sony's effort to get back into high-end audio. I'll be honest, going in, I thought anyone who spends 27k on a pair of speakers by Sony needs their head examined.
That being said, I was really, really impressed by this speaker. I compared it head to head with some dynaudio tempations (44k) and thought that the sony's at least held their own. The dealer told me that Sony is only planning on releasing 60 pairs in the US this year, and there are only 6 dealers in the country right now. Also, the wood that they use for the cabinets comes from a special Japanese tree that is specially aged, etc.
Apparently there is a review coming out in stereophile next week.
My question is, with all the great speakers out there at this range, Wilson, magico, Von schweikert, hansen, etc, has anyone heard these, and how do you think they stack up against some of the big boys?
Disagree. ATC speakers are perfectly balanced and optimized, and you eliminate racks of gear and interconnects. They are bombproof and they stand behind their product, since they make the units. 1,000 studios would not rely on them if it was not the case, as there is hard costs for down time, with idle musicians and engineeering staff.

As for my $200k statement, that what was reported from the Show in Newport.
Bongofury..Your missing the point. Having known an ATC speaker dealer in New England for the past five years, he informed me that he has had them break down and had to repair them since they run hot and can't be pushed to hard or they will clip, but not often it happens. I use to own a pair of Paradigm Active 20's years ago. Had the same problem. They clipped on me several times and went into safety shutdown. Ran vey hot. Many speaker brands and cables are used in studios. Companies take advantage of that for marketing purposes. ATC makes great speakers. Accurate as hell but very neutral. The issue is not about cost but performance. Heck, if you want to eliminate racks and interconnects, go buy a big Bose radio.
Based on hearing SS-AR1 at a few shows as compared to my recollection of a demo of the $20K ATC active model with an ATC preamp set up by an ATC dealer, that ATC does not begin to approach the refinement of Sony. I also have trouble justifying that ATC on a price-adjusted basis relative to other speaker/amp combos to $20K. The ATC had a "pro sound" that isn't to my taste, but surely appeals to some studios. There is clearly a divided opinion on ATC.
For the record, as I stated in my first posting, I am very impressed with Sony's effort. They recreate music with beautiful nuance and clarity. I also want to state that their demo rig costed $230,000, so it better sound fantastic. I also agree that many different speakers are in use in studio environments. With that said, the top of the line ATC 150s cost around 60,000 and the majority of the music you probably listen to was mixed on them. May not be your cup of tea, but that is a sound endorsement.
It is true that ATC was the exclusive speaker used for the remaster of Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" in recent years, and has its place in 50% of Studio's globally. That also applies to Genelec, M&K, B&W, JBL. But ATC does have the Pro Monitor sound which can be very unforgiving with the wrong material. The Sony SS-AR1 is a true statement reference masterpiece which will bury the KEF 207.2's, the B&W 801's, the Magico V3 and the Wilson Sasha's. They don't stand a chance against the Sony's. As I stated earlier, I am days away buying the Sony's to coincide my moving into my new home. Sony has slated only 60 pairs for the U.S. market this year and sales have picked up due to the attention they have drawn during the past three months.