I blew up my receiver. Now what?

I brought my Integra DTM7 to Europe. Plugged it in, and POP! I discovered that unlike my other electronics, it definitely could not handle 220v wall current. Smoke poured from the vents for a while, even though I immediately unplugged it. 

1. What did I break? A fuse? A capacitor? Everything?

2. What’s the best way to get it back up and running here in Europe?


Sorry for your bad news JMK. But don’t let these guys get you down. I’ll bet most of them learned by doing the same damned thing, or something pretty much like it.

I know a very senior electronics genius - control systems for big time nuke research - and he calmed me down after one of my disasters, saying, "How do you think I already knew that?"

If you learned from the episode, that’s plenty good enough. Write it off and move on. Good luck with the replacement!
Not meaning to pour salt in the wound, but the unit would not have even plugged into the wall with a North American plug.  I've lived and worked in Europe for years.  You had to have used an adaptor.

Anyway, as previous posters have concluded, you are done here.  This is an opportunity to buy a souvenir, most likely for use ONLY in Europe.  Unless you purchase something like Rega which is so familiar with the North American market that everything could easily be converted upon return to North America.  Best of luck
The above beat me to the punch....it would not have even fit the receptacle...a step down transformer may be a good investment in future. 
Most likely took out a few capacitors and resistors and probably the output device.  Hard to tell. Pop the top and see what the damage is.  Check the transformer.
 Good luck.